Christmas Grace

Transform Your holiday season
An exciting, joyous way that brings heaven’s power to earth and makes breakthroughs a daily reality.
31 Meditations & Declarations on the greatest gift ever given

We’re all intimately acquainted with the details of the Christmas narrative, right? Who doesn’t know of the startling announcement to young Mary, the Magi, the Bethlehem stable, and the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night? Yet, as David A. Holland reveals in this eye-opening new devotional, there is meaning, inspiration, life-transforming hope in these events that most believers have never seen.
Like its predecessor devotional, Praying Grace: 55 Meditations and Declarations on the Finished Work of Christ, each day of this devotional illuminates a scripture or passage in a fresh and memorable way, leading readers to a deeper, fuller appreciation of all Christ accomplished for them, and of who they are in Him. Each day’s entry closes with a declarative prayer that trains believers in a profoundly powerful yet underappreciated form of praying—prayer by Word-based proclamation. Readers will discover:
- Why the familiar titles Wonderful, Counselor, and Prince of Peace don’t mean what we’ve assumed.
- What sign in the heavens the Wise Men may have seen, and how it may reveal the date of Jesus’ birth.
- What the miracle pregnancy of Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, reveals about “slaying the giants” in your life.
- Key overlooked insights from the Christmas narrative that help you: rest in God’s faithfulness; overcome adversity; embrace and experience God’s good promises; and fall deeper in love with Jesus.
"Christmas Grace is a 31-Day journey of discovery and hope"

Robert Morris
"Too many of God’s people have given up on prayer, out of either frustration or discouragement. That’s why I wholeheartedly welcome Praying Grace, by my good friend, David Holland. This important new resource challenges common assumptions about prayer and teaches you how to pray with authority from a position of rest. If you’ll go on this 55-day journey, I can promise that your prayer life will never be the same!"

Stephen Mansfield
It is a rare author who combines literary skill with theological depth and spiritual passion. David Holland is just such a gift to us. He is learned, he is fierce, he is tenderly poetic. How very much we need this book and this seasoned man of God in our time.
Stephen Mansfield
New York Times bestselling author

Dudley Hall
"The message of grace is so counterintuitive that we need daily doses of it to counter the persistent influence of transactional religion. David Holland has insightfully provided us bite-size morsels of the gospel for daily nutrition. The light from each text lingers with delight. Thank you David for this book."

Matt & Laurie Crouch
"We believe it is so important that believers understand everything Jesus came to accomplish for them; the breadth of the victory He won; and especially how to pray from that victory, rather than striving and struggling for victory. That’s why we’re so grateful for David Holland’s Praying Grace, and his newest book, that brings these truths to a fresh understanding of Jesus’ advent. What better time than Christmas to learn to walk in Christmas Grace?"