Transform Your Prayer Life in 55 Days

An exciting, joyous way that brings heaven’s power to earth and makes breakthroughs a daily reality. 

55 Meditations & Declarations on the Finished Work of Christ

David Holland
For far too many believers, prayer is a fruitless, frustrating, joyless exercise. Something we know we ought to do; but do rarely because we have so little expectation that it will really change anything.
There is another way to pray. An exciting, joyous way that brings heaven’s power to earth and makes breakthroughs a daily reality. Praying Grace is a 55-Day journey of discovery and hope created to:

"Praying Grace is a 55-Day journey of discovery and hope"

Robert Morris

Robert Morris

"Too many of God’s people have given up on prayer, out of either frustration or discouragement. That’s why I wholeheartedly welcome Praying Grace, by my good friend, David Holland. This important new resource challenges common assumptions about prayer and teaches you how to pray with authority from a position of rest. If you’ll go on this 55-day journey, I can promise that your prayer life will never be the same!"

Stephen Mansfield

Stephen Mansfield

It is a rare author who combines literary skill with theological depth and spiritual passion. David Holland is just such a gift to us. He is learned, he is fierce, he is tenderly poetic. How very much we need this book and this seasoned man of God in our time.

Stephen Mansfield
New York Times bestselling author

Dudley Hall

Dudley Hall

"The message of grace is so counterintuitive that we need daily doses of it to counter the persistent influence of transactional religion. David Holland has insightfully provided us bite-size morsels of the gospel for daily nutrition. The light from each text lingers with delight. Thank you David for this book."

Matt and Laurie Crouch

Matt & Laurie Crouch

"We’re thrilled to be able to direct friends to a resource that will help them renew their minds to the realities of grace, and model grace-based praying for them. This devotional takes you by the hand and, in 55 days, teaches you how to pray from a clear under- standing of the victory Jesus has already won for you."

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